who we are

our mission

to know jesus, to know his people, and make him known to the ends of the earth.

(PHilippians 3:8-10)

WE believe

the holy bible was written by men divinely inspired and is god’s revelation of himself to man.

WE believe

salvation is offered freely to all who accept jesus christ as their lord and savior. There is no salvation apart from personal faith in jesus christ as lord.

WE believe

there is one and only one living and true god. He reveals himself to us as: father, son, and holy spirit, with distinct personal attributes, but without division of nature, essence, or being.

WE believe

man is the special creation of god, made in his own image. we believe he created them male and famale as the crowning work of his creation. the gift of gender is thus part of the goodness of god’s creation. we believe man sinned against god and brought sin into the human race.

Our Values

(underpins our decision making)

  • Biblical authority

    god’s word is the final and only authority in the church.

  • community engagement

    god’s people engage the community with the gospel.

  • encouraging community

    God’s church is a place of encouragment.

  • intergenerational worship

    god’s worship is joined by all generations.

our marks of maturity and how maturity is measured

we believe that every christian should find their identity in jesus. when a christian finds their identity in jesus, his or her life will have certain marks of maturity.


(Making new disciples)

this is measured by the number of new believers we are seeing born again.

(Matthew 28:16-20, acts 1:8)


(generous to god’s work and church)

this is measured by our giving. do we have more givers than last week/month/year?

(2 corinthians 9:6-7, philippians 4)


(communicates with god through prayer)

this is measured by seeing more people gathered to pray on sunday morning and having new prayer groups started.

(matthew 6)


this is measured by how unified the church is.

(1 corinthians 13, 1 john 3, 1 john 4:7-8, John 13:34-35)


(serves: god’s people, god’s church, and god’s world)

this is measured by how our serving is. do we have more people serving others inside and outside of the church? (joseph’s storehouse, habitat for humanity projects, compassionate hands, and etc.

(1 corinthians 12:4-7, galatians 5:13)


(gathers in community with god’s people)

this is measured by starting new discipleship groups and seeing new believers joining these groups.

(hebrews 10:24-25)

abiding devotion

(devoted to god’s word)

this is measured by hearing testimonies of devotion to christ and his word

(john 15)

our pathway to maturity

worship god.

each person gathers with god’s people for weekly worship on sunday mornings and wednesday evenings.


each person gathers in a small group to grow in their marks of maturity. (men’s groups, women’s groups, disciple groups)

encourage one another.

each person gathers in community with god’s people to encourage one another through service, generosity, and prayer.


each person engages their community the gospel of jesus. this can be done through national and international mission trips, hope sponsored loving lebanon opportunities, and individual loving lebanon opportunities.

our bylaws